So I'm over 35 weeks now and the bp has been great. Pretty low actually...hovering between 95-100/60-70. I'm praying it stays low and that my urine samples remain clean and clear. It does worry me, having pre-e again. But it's out of my control, like so many things in life. So I'm going to just hope and pray for a safe/healthy delivery for both baby girl and myself. And pray that pre-e stays far, far away this time.
I have an OB appointment tomorrow, along with a NST. I always get a little bit nervous before them now, because of my history. So basically, I can't wait until tomorrow is over and I'm hopefully declared in good health still. And hopefully I didn't jinx myself with that title.
Anyway....hope everyone had a great Easter! We had a lot of fun. Alex was able to hunt for TWO baskets (thanks to her Auntie for one) and we did an egg hunt outside this year. We went to our cousin's house for Easter lunch and Alex was able to play with her cousins. They are all so freaking cute together.
I'm feeling the nesting thing kicking in...although I had my doubts that it would, since this baby still doesn't have a nursery (for reasons I explained in another post). Basically, I've been on a rampage to clean our 4-Runner. It's a mess. Inside and outside. Embarrassing really. I usually take such good care of my cars! But it has salt and grime on the outside from winter and juice boxes and wrappers on the inside that Alex failed to get into the mini garbage can. Oh, and stickers on the floor. Thanks, Alex ;) So we NEED to clean it. I told Dan that we can't bring a new bubba home from the hospital in a messy car! Like it really matters, it's not unhygienic or anything. But what the hell. I'm feeling a little neurotic. I actually tried to convince him of our need for a NEW car to bring the baby home in. almost worked, lol. That would be one heck of a push present.
Hospital bag is 95% packed-for baby, not for me. We're going to install the car seat sometime this week. Shit is getting real...eeepppp!!!!
Some Easter pics of my love....
Think the bunny got her enough stuff??? LOL, my sister would kill me to know that pic of her in the background was on this blog!
Doing our egg hunt!
She found a ton of eggs!
Awwwww.....before going to Easter lunch
35 weeks holding up the five sign. Yes, I'm white and look like a vampire. And my double chin is sticking out (I'll blame it on the angle of the camera)
Alex with her cousin, Anthony
Alex with her cousin, Briana
You look great! I delivered the twins at 35 and 3. Keep her cookin'!