Thursday, April 11, 2013

36 Week Appointment

So I had my 36 week appointment on Monday. Yeah, I'm kind of running behind with this blog since today is now Thursday. Anyway. Everything looks great (knock on wood)! The NST was good and baby was cooperative again, meaning that I only had to stay hooked up for around 20 minutes or so. I also had an ultrasound this week. The tech was definitely not as much fun as the last one and just got in there to do the business of measuring. No 3D scan this time. Ahhhh well. Baby girl is now measuring in the 50th percentile at approximately 6lbs 6oz. She has been growing leaps and bounds, as she was only in the 40th percentile at 32 weeks :) She's also still head lets hope she doesn't decide to move around too much.

Of course I had the 36 week pelvic check too. The tested me for strep B and also took some blood for checking on the anemia. I was a bit disappointed that I was not dilated at all. I really hoped to be at least 1cm. But, the doctor did say I was about 50% effaced. So that's something I guess, right??!! In the words of my good friend, an ultrasound tech, my cervix is a "fortress". Which is great for the first 36 weeks, but c'mon now....I'd like to see some action.

So I asked Dr. R if there was any way to get labor started naturally within the next week or so. He kind of smirked and said, "have lots of sex...that's the only somewhat proven method that can be done at home". I'm sure he smirked when he saw my look of dejection. Sex. Yeah. Pretty much the last thing on my mind. Hell, I can't stay up past 8:30 most nights.

Anyway-blood pressure was good and urine was clear. So here's to dodging pre-e for another week! Thinking positive thoughts and hoping it stays away!

1 comment:

  1. Keep that baby in!! It's not worth the risk, enjoy being preggers and get some sleep!
