Sunday, July 17, 2011


...Alex is 18 months old! Since she was born, the 18 month milestone has seemed like one of the major ones. I guess, to me anyway, it means she is no longer a baby. Happy thought and sad thought-equal parts. She is at such a fun age right now, learning and exploring and voicing her needs and wants (and frustrations). It's just neat...she's her own little person...her own little entity. I think that this stage is actually more fun (and more relaxing in some ways) than the newborn stage. But there's just something about holding an infant....

Ok, I know. Get a grip. It's not like she's going off to college tomorrow. It's not like she is speaking in full sentences and dressing herself. Yes...she's still a baby in many ways. I don't know. Eighteen months just seems *old*. Remember, we are thinking relatively here. I guess what drives home the point is that in another 18 months, Alexandra will be three. THREE. Some consider three year olds to no longer be toddlers-but preschoolers. I can't have a "preschooler" on my hands in a year and a half, can I? I mean, time goes fast and all...but this is kind of crazy!

Annnnddddd....we have another milestone approaching very in September 6th. Another thing that makes me realize how quickly things are going (as if I needed a reminder). Alex is starting at a day care center when I go back to work for the school year. We decided to make the jump! I'm nervous and excited for her all at once! I think (hope) she's ready. She just so much more interested in other children and in socializing...I kind of feel like keeping her home another year will just hold her back.

We had a lovely woman coming to our house to watch Alex, but she gave her notice about four days ago..she had to find a job with benefits. We loved her. We will miss her...and we sought to replace her for this school year. However, upon thinking about it longer, we decided that another environment would be more enriching/stimulating for Alex (stimulation is a big thing with school psychologists)-another environment where she could be around other kids her age. I mean, it's gotta be boring being home so much-especially in the winter when you can't go outside? I hope she likes it. I hope we like it. I hope it will be good for her. Why the heck aren't these decisions easy to make???

So there you go...Alex is growing up strong, happy and healthy. And I keep praying that it stays that way. I also wonder whether I will have the opportunity to do the newborn thing over again? Did I have my one chance? I know I am incredibly blessed to have that one chance, but man would I do things differently! Not that I did anything "bad" or "wrong". But I think that *next time* I will enjoy it more, stop to smell the roses more, relax more, since I now know what to expect. Fingers crossed....

 Alex loving her "diggy" (we can't quite get that "o" sound), Ivan

And to celebrate this 18 month milestone, a picture of Alex at 3 days old...home for the first full day

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